Sorry for the delay....but what we are doing is historic on a massive scale.Unlike other leagues that make big promises, big announcements,,,and then NEVER follow
thru...this is not what we are about.I would encourage you to NOT make the assumption that just because we are delayed in the announcements you were expecting by now,, that we will not launch at all. There are just “certain things” that we can’t divulge right now because we are in some sensitive (and final) negotiations with sponsors, investors, and even some “professional football personnel”. I would suggest that you just “hang tight” until we complete our business. Rest assured that we have put in too much work the past 21 months to be hasty, or sloppy in our implementation. I would also close by reminding everyone that (just as in a professional football game)...”there is still time left on the clock” for us to have a successful launch to our 2009 season. I would suggest that “no one leave the
UNGL stadium until the game is over” (smile)!Regards,Ben