Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3 teams sold

There has been 3 teams sold according to UNFL.com. We know 2 teams are in Texas. But the other one is a mystery. I think its in New York. But there are also 8 other cities talking with the UNFL. I will try to get the answer on the 3rd city. I will also try to get the answer on what dates will be used to announce what cities.


gatek99 said...

I hope its in Ohio I really want to go to games when the NFL is over and before arena. I hear they are talkign with Ohio for year one anyhow...I mean there will be 22 teams they say

KW said...

Hello gatek, I think Columbus is possible as a city. Ohio should get a team.

coachbrent said...

I've read Ohio somewhere looking through news on the web, can't remember where though. I believe the 3 sold teams are 2 in Texas (Central Division) and 1 in Ohio (North Division).

coachbrent said...

On the UNFL website under news is an interview with the co-founders on the league franchises and they mention Texas, OHIO and NY.

KW said...

Yep but I have heard New York more than Ohio

Bam said...

I've actually gotten to email the CEO of the UNFL, and he says there are only 8 remaining teams left.

KW said...

Well I will get more info on that

Anonymous said...

This is all just speculation, but i'll go out on a limb and make a few suggestions:

New York will be located in either Rochester or Long Island.
Ohio will be in either Columbus or Canton.
Texas will be in San Antonio and Arlington.

Besides them, I'd say Louisville, Richmond/Norfolk, Greensboro, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids, Oklahoma City and Portland all seem like fairly viable candidates.